HSE TREATMENT ABROAD SCHEME (TAS) is restricted to covering treatments not available here in Ireland.
The Treatment Abroad Scheme (TAS), is governed by EU Regulation 1408/71, as per the procedures set out in EU Regulation 574/72, and in accordance with Department of Health and Children Guidelines.(HSE). A patient can apply for the TAS if a recommended treatment is not available in Ireland. It is in essence a funding application that can only be made by an Irish consultant on the patient’s behalf. It may or may not be granted. The application form is not available online. You must contact the TAS office and they will either e mail or post it to you.
Tips to assist you in making an application;
If you think you may be eligible to apply for TAS - E mail their offices at treatmentabroadscheme@hse.ie and request an application form along with guidance documents on how to complete.
There are different officers depending on where you live
TIP: Find out who the TAS officer is that will be dealing with your application and ask for his/her e mail address. When communicating with your TAS officer always copy any communication to treatmentabroadscheme@hse.ie so other staff can follow up on the process should your officer be on leave at any stage otherwise you will find the application slows down.
Patient consent is not referred to in the guidance docs but know that should you be applying on behalf of the patient you should advise the officer from the outset – ask does the office require written consent for you to act on the patient’s behalf. Some officers do request written consent, some do not. You do not want anything slowing down so find out from the start what exactly is needed.
WARNING TAS will only accept an application from your consultant within 2 weeks of you having seen him/her so there is a timing issue.
There are 2 sections to the application – one to be completed by the patient and the other to be completed by the consultant (you cannot be referred by your G.P.)
Sometimes a decision to refer will depend on the outcome of a scan or other treatments however there is no harm in being ready to go. So to speed up the process it is possible to complete the patient section of the form (its short, –not much to it but just ensure you have it signed and dated or it will be returned. When you next meet the consultant you can give him/her the form (with your section completed). He/she can then complete the consultant section and send it off to the relevant officer at TAS with a copy of the referral letter to the treating consultant.
Remember the TAS office will not begin the process of application until all documentation is received at the same time – they will return the application form for example if it is sent in without the consultants referral letter or if there is a signature missing or a date missing – so to recap, your consultant will forward to TAS the following;
It can be helpful and speed things up if you read and are therefore aware of the referring consultant guidelines (this is important as it can be returned for a number of reasons – such as no signature, name and address of treating consultant not noted on the referral form)
It is best to communicate with your consultant before the application is sent and definitely check in with TAS by e mail to see if it is received. Again you can e mail or phone their offices. Always best to e mail if at all possible so that a record can be kept.
Remember your consultant can e mail the application form and follow up with the signed original in the post
The application form is not available online. You must either e mail the TAS office at treatmentabroadcheme@hse.ie or phone their main number on and request the for
The TAS office have up to 20 days to respond to your application and you will receive a response by post. Travel expenses can be also claimed for both you and a travelling carer so hold onto to your airline receipts and your boarding passes. There can be a lenghty delay in processing your refund.
If you have private insurance cover or the means to go abroad you can use your Irish GP OR Consultant to make a referral. However for the TAS sheme it must be your Irish consultant and the treatment must NOT be available here.
Hope this helps you on your journey.
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