Saturday at 2:30 PM
Toddy's Bar & Brassarie, The Gresham Hotel, Dublin. Directions via Google maps HERE Telephone contact on the day 0858521505.
Ocular Melanoma Ireland members (patients & their loved ones) traveled from around the country this weekend for the first ever " Summer Saturday" meet up at the Gresham Hotel, Dublin.
Members said they felt supported in this relaxed space where all felt they could safely share their own personal experience of this rare cancer ( and gain from others experiences on this journey). Ocular Melanoma Ireland continue to commit to being at the forefront of engaging with all sectors including the international and national medical and research community. However, Ocular Melanoma Ireland place prime importance on facilitating a space and time where patients and caregivers can gather, so as to share, to identify, to support and learn from each other.
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