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Pan-European Groups

Melanoma Patient Network Europe Ocular/Rare

Patient advocacy group has 279 members  Administrators: Dick Plomp, Gilliosa Spurrier, Bettina Rhyll, Iain Galloway

MPNE Ocular/Rare describes itself as a “sister site” of the Melanoma Patient Network Europe (MPNE). Both MPNE and MPNE Ocular/Rare are patient advocacy sites, but MPNE Ocular/Rare specifically caters to the needs and interests of OM patients. MPNE Ocular Rare seeks to launch a European-wide patient registry of OM patients and to work closely with the researchers involved in UM Cure 2020, a research project establishing European Centres of Excellence to develop new therapeutic approaches and share knowledge about OM and Metastatic OM. The interrelationship between MPNE, MPNE Ocular/Rare and UM Cure 2020 is explained in the UM Cure 2020 website.


Melanoma Patient Network Europe

Patient Advocacy Group has 711 members

Administrators: Gilliosa Spurier, Bettina Rhyll, Kristin Bryon

Melanoma Patient Network Central and Eastern Europe,

Patient Advocacy Group has 50 members, 0 posts in the last 30 days

Bettina Rhyll and Violetta Astratinei are administrators,

This is part of MPNE (Melanoma Patient Network) so it deals with all kinds of melanoma, including ocular melanoma- it does have a few posts on OM.


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