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2017 Opthomology Ocology Research meeting held in the RVEEH, Dublin.

Research presented at home in 2017 includes the following.

In June 2017 an opthomology oncology research meeting was held in the Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital (RVEEH) Dublin. Chaired by Mr Noel Horgan and focusing on Ocular/Uveal Melanoma. We are very fortunate that RVEEH has recorded some of the speakers & has hosted those videos on the interent. We have some video links below & will publish more if & when we get them. 

Guest speakers included;

Professor Susan Kennedy (consultant Pathologist St Vincent’s hospital)

Dr Fiona Roberts (Consultant Pathologist, Glasgow Iniversity Hospital)

Professor Heinrich Heimann (consultant ophthalmic Surgeon & Ocular Oncologist,Liverpool university hospital)

Dr A Singh (professor of Opthamology Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland, Ohio )
Video (x2):
Diagnosis of OM:
Genetics of OM:

Professor Gullo (Consultant medical oncologist , st Vincent’s hospital )

Professor Crowne Consultant Medical  Oncologist St Vincents Hospital)


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