Research presented at home in 2017 includes the following.
In June 2017 an opthomology oncology research meeting was held in the Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital (RVEEH) Dublin. Chaired by Mr Noel Horgan and focusing on Ocular/Uveal Melanoma. We are very fortunate that RVEEH has recorded some of the speakers & has hosted those videos on the interent. We have some video links below & will publish more if & when we get them.
Guest speakers included;
Professor Susan Kennedy (consultant Pathologist St Vincent’s hospital)
Dr Fiona Roberts (Consultant Pathologist, Glasgow Iniversity Hospital)
Professor Heinrich Heimann (consultant ophthalmic Surgeon & Ocular Oncologist,Liverpool university hospital)
Dr A Singh (professor of Opthamology Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland, Ohio )
Video (x2):
Diagnosis of OM:
Genetics of OM:
Professor Gullo (Consultant medical oncologist , st Vincent’s hospital )
Professor Crowne Consultant Medical Oncologist St Vincents Hospital)
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